Außenminister Malki nimmt in seinem am 21. Mai 2020 verfassten Brief Bezug auf Österreichs Positionspapier an den Internationalen Strafgerichtshof, das sich gegen eine Zuständigkeit des ISG für Palästina richtet; sowie auf Österreichs Verhinderung – gemeinsam mit Ungarn – eines gemeinsamen Aufrufs der Europäischen Union bezüglich Israels Annexionsplänen.
Auszüge aus dem Brief:
„Your country’s unwavering support for international law, for the two-state-solution and for the inviolability of the prohibition of the acquisition of territory by force obliges me to write this letter to you to underscore my deep concern over what we perceive a regression in the Austrian position.”
“We were alarmed by the amicus curiae opinion your government submitted to the Pre-Trial chamber of the ICC, not only for supporting and backing up Israel’s illegal arguments that the court does not have territorial jurisdiction over the State of Palestine, but also for your reference in the same letter that your country does not have diplomatic ties nor bilateral relations with Palestine.”
“It is unfortunate that Austria chose to block the EU joint declaration on this grave violation. Such position will only give wrong messages that will embolden Israel to implement its annexation plans. We believe that an EU unified strong stand on annexation will deter Israel from proceeding with its illegal and destructive plans.”