Zu Beginn der Woche möchten wir Ihnen die folgenden drei lesenswerten Beiträge empfehlen:
In deutscher Sprache:

Der Spalt in der Mauer
50 Jahre israelische Besatzung haben den palästinensischen Arbeitsmarkt im Westjordanland von Israel abhängig gemacht. Ein Blick in die harte Welt der Wanderarbeiter.
Von Andreas Hackl (erschienen in der Wiener Zeitung, 03.06.2017)
In englischer Sprache:

How the 1967 War Came Home to Me
The Six-Day War at 50
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StartFragment"On June 5, 1967, I was a student at the American University of Beirut majoring in English literature. That morning, I woke early to finish a research paper on James Joyce’s “Ulysses.” As had been my habit, I turned on the BBC News. I discovered, to my horror, that war had broken out back home."EndFragment
Von Dr. Hanan Ashrawi (erschienen in der New York Times, 05.06.2017)
StartFragmentA new atmosphere of brotherhood for peace - EndFragmentStartFragmentWe still believe in humanity, in its strong spirit. EndFragment
StartFragment"The two of us were born into the previous reality, the one before 1967. The first was born a refugee, distant from his land. The other was the son of refugees in their new state. One was born into the euphoria of independence and the other into the tragedy of his nation and family."EndFragment
Von Ahmad Majdalani und Avraham Burg (erschienen in der Jerusalem Post, 04.06.2017)